Things to do|Travel tips

The 12 best places to travel to in 2019

Ah, it’s a new year and the perfect time to welcome new things into your life – and that includes new travel destinations! Some travel destinations are timeless and always in style while others fluctuate in popularity, but one thing’s for certain: It’s always the right time to be booking your next vacation. Some of

Travel tips

Best off-season travel destinations

I love traveling in the summer, but it can also be hard to appreciate some fantastic destinations with the endless crowds of people all trying to see the same thing or all trying to eat at the same popular restaurant at the same time. Off-season travel has its benefits for sure: Cheaper accommodations, affordable transportation

Things to do

Bucket list: Australia

Sydney Opera House at sunset

Australia has held my attention as a bucket list travel destination for years and when I can save up for the trip and get the time off, I’ll be doing it right by hopefully checking off all the bucket list items I’ve written down. Yes, I’m aware how big Australia is but isn’t the saying