Travel blogging

Travel blogging: Social media tips

Notebook and map

Travel blogging is a great way to remember and share your trips with family, friends, and other travel enthusiasts.  If you want to get more out of your blog, grow your blog’s online presence, and be a part of the travel blogging community social media is a great way to reach those goals. But, just

Travel blogging

Travel blogging: SEO tips


Travel blogging is a great way to capture your travel experiences and share travel advice with others, but if you want to grow your following and eventually monetize your blog you have to learn how to get your posts in front of the right people. That’s where SEO comes in! Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is

Travel blogging

Travel blogging: Editorial calendars

New blog post

We follow a lot of fellow travel bloggers on social media and one thing we see continually popping up is other bloggers asking for advice on how to figure out what to write or staying motivated to keep up on their schedule of posts. Well, one way we address this common blogger problem is by

Travel blogging

Travel Instagram dos and don’ts

Laptop and phone on Instagram

I’m so excited as Back to the Passport hit a milestone recently: 10,000 followers on Instagram! It’s been a fun journey so far and we’ve loved being a part of the travel community on Instagram, learning how to leverage the network to share our travel blog posts with everyone and making some long-distance friendships along

Travel blogging

13 travel blogging tips


It’s been about a year and a half now since we started Back to the Passport and though I’ve been in communications and writing for about nine years, travel blogging has its own unique opportunities and challenges. It’s been a fun journey so far and I’ve loved learning the ins-and-outs of running our own travel