Things to do

A couple’s travel itinerary for Santa Fe

Rick and Stephanie at Gruet

Though it doesn’t seem possible that summer is coming to an end I suppose it’s true as we’ve celebrated the holiday that traditionally marks this time of year: Labor Day. For Labor Day this year, Rick and I opted for something a little closer to home yet still across the border and so that’s how

24 hours in|Things to do|Travel tips

24 hours in Sintra

Sintra, Portugal

When we went to Portugal last spring, we made our home base in Lisbon and booked a day trip out to Sintra. I’ll be honest and say that Rick and I did not do much planning for this trip and kind of just went along for the ride with what my family wanted to do,

Things to do

Las Vegas with friends travel itinerary

Vegas from above

It seems to have become a Fourth of July tradition that Rick and I fly off to Vegas for the holiday weekend and spend Independence Day soaking up the sun in the desert and doing our part to support the casinos in Las Vegas. This year, we went with some friends, another couple, and had

Things to do

Sydney travel bucket list

Sydney, Australia

I know I’ve already posted about Australia being on my bucket list, but it’s my birthday so I’m allowed to do whatever I want and I want to talk about all the cool things I want to do when I finally start checking things off of my Sydney travel bucket list! I’ve had my heart

24 hours in|Things to do

24 hours in Lisbon

I’ll start this post off by saying I’m glad we had more than one day in Lisbon but I will also say that if you’re strapped for time you can pack a lot in if you only have 24 hours in Lisbon! From historical attractions to trendy eateries, there’s a lot to do in Lisbon.

Things to do

Travel itinerary: A weekend in San Francisco

Two women in front of Golden Gate Bridge

While Rick and I obviously travel frequently together sometimes our vacation time doesn’t always align. Luckily my sister and I are well-matched in our wanderlust! And, even more fortunately for me, she was able to get away and join me on a quick weekend in San Francisco – one of our favorite travel destinations. We

Reviews|Things to do

Review of San Francisco Ghost Tours

Union Square in San Francisco

I recently had the opportunity for a quick weekend getaway with my sister to San Francisco and I immediately went online and looked up ghost tours. My sister, like me, loves haunted history and we make a point to book ghost tours when we travel as a family so she was more than down to

24 hours in

24 hours in Nashville

Honky Tonk Central in Nashville

Ready to go country and practically lose all your hearing for a day or two? Then you’ll want to travel to Nashville, AKA Music City! The capital of Tennessee, sometimes called Nash Vegas, is a fun travel destination in the US if you love music, hot chicken and good Southern food, and Jack Daniels. I

24 hours in

24 hours in Leavenworth

Leavenworth wine

Back in August I went on a girls’ trip to Seattle with some friends and we decided a little road trip was in order so we found ourselves heading toward Leavenworth. Leavenworth is about two and a half hours from Seattle and located in the beautiful Cascades region. It’s a charming Bavarian village that goes